South West Regional Palliative Care
Phone: (08) 9781 4042
Address: Unit 15 Block B, Homemaker Centre 42 Strickland Street, Bunbury
Program resources
Busselton Hospice Care Inc.
Busselton Hospice Care Inc. is located in the City of Busselton and provides professional palliative care volunteering services to those living with a life limiting diagnosis/illness, receiving palliative care, their care givers and the bereaved. Its vision is supporting life lived well, dying, death, and bereavement.
Support services include:
- Hospice Visiting Service – Professionally trained volunteers provide about 6,000 hours per annum, plus social and emotional support to patients alongside the clinical team in the Hospice Unit of the Busselton Health Campus (2 people, 3×4 hour shifts per day, 365 days per year).
- Bereavement Support Service – Volunteer-led bereavement support on a 1-1 basis, or through a Bereaved Women’s and Men’s Group.
- Complementary Therapies – Free and uncapped services to people diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, and their carers. Each Thursday from 9am -1 pm.
- Community Outreach Service/Carer Education – Support to people diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, and their carers, to stay at home for as long as possible.
For further information –
Clinical resources, policies and guidelines
- ANZPM The Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative care Medicine
- caring@home project
- Regional Palliative Care Service Referral Form
- Supportive and palliative care indicator tool (SPICT)
- The End of Life and Palliative Care Education and Training Framework
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- WACPCN – Evidence based clinical guidelines for adults in the terminal phase
Clinical resources, policies and guidelines
- ANZPM The Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative care Medicine
- caring@home project
- Regional Palliative Care Service Referral Form
- Supportive and palliative care indicator tool (SPICT)
- The End of Life and Palliative Care Education and Training Framework
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- WACPCN – Evidence based clinical guidelines for adults in the terminal phase
Clinical resources, policies and guidelines
- ANZPM The Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative care Medicine
- caring@home project
- Regional Palliative Care Service Referral Form
- Supportive and palliative care indicator tool (SPICT)
- The End of Life and Palliative Care Education and Training Framework
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- WACPCN – Evidence based clinical guidelines for adults in the terminal phase